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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Good Bye Old Job....

My last day at my old job my coworkers and boss were kind enough to get me a card and cookies... very thoughtful....

The strange part.... I had no idea of this kindness... I was walking out to leave for the day and saw this card on the table....saw it was for me....ha ha I guess nobody was going to tell me .... Kinda summed up how my job was for sure....sweet but strange....

New Job

Its been over a year that I have been searching for a new job.... and FINALLY some luck. Previously I was working random hours, random days, no full time, no benifits. UGH I was really starting to be miserable to be around I was very unhappy . I am hoping this is a sign of better things ahead for me some security and relief from daily worries would be nice.

Here is my brand spankin new name plate at my office, and my first piece of mail... I am easily excited as you can see... But I plan on basking in it for awhile longer... YAY!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Apple Picking... got a little out of hand...

A few weeks ago FH and I spent our sunday morning together picking apples at his grandparents house. We were a little sneak waiting till they were at church before ambushing their 3 trees.

They looked great!

FH wouldnt let me take his picture he took mine....

So we ended up picking 3 5-gallon buckets full.... I dont know what we were thinking we would do will all of these. I cut one bucket up and froze them to bake with... and half abuck I made apple sauce with. ...... and then I gave up it was alot of work.... next year I think 1 bucket will be plenty.