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Friday, February 4, 2011

2011 Blizzard

Both FH and I had to work at 7 Wednesday morning. This what we work up too, the picture isnt great but thats the driveway with drifts as high as the truck!

He had to rescue FH's brother who was snowed in. The we had to try to make it to work. THe roads werent plowed so we didnt make it far down the road.

So we went back to the house got JD (the tractor) warmed up and started to plow.

FH's brother came to help with his tractor and we were plowed out in no time.
June and I watched from the morton building. We were a big help.

Dont forget my coop!

Our gorgous drive way lined with trees. We are blessed.

1 comment:

heididh33 said...

I love the snow in the dark photos. Have you talked to D lately? I keep playing phone tag with her. We need to set our date!!! Miss ya!!