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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Des Moines Renaissance Faire FAIL

For years I have been curious about the Des Moines Renaissance Fair..... I will no longer wonder..... it was not good..... cost WAY WAY WAY too much to get in...

2nd... It the way many people were dressed was disturbing... the period costumes were great... the half clothed women..... was icky.... (the people watching was at its finest.... WAY BETTER that the Iowa State Fair)

Yes that says ye old pizza... I should have turned around right there.....

Talk about weapons was ok FH enjoyed it

This is a scotch egg.... part of the reason I wanted to go... because it sounded very good..... turns out...... FAIL... it was gross ick

Now I dont want to sound too negitive there was a highlight of the faire. The jousting.

The horses were nice... one very nice.... and the acting was good and the jousting surprisingly really good.

FH wants to go back.... I am thinking no way!

1 comment:

heididh33 said...

I've always thought about going so thanks for the report and saving me the trip! :) That's a bummer though that it wasn't better.