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Thursday, June 2, 2011

T-Shirt Quilt

I decided I needed a hobbie... since I am still struggling to find full time work in this tiny town.... UGH!
Anyway I am making a t-shirt quilt I have saved over 50 shirts from highschool and college. And I am glad I did.

Here is my pile all cut to 12inches by 12 inches

I lined all with fusiable interfacing along process but really seemed to make a difference.

Here is my layout you can tell in the top right corner I am missing some I am working on that lol

Here are some close ups of the shirts

I have all the blocks sewn into collums sewn now I need to sew the collums together and add a few blocks... I need a few more t-shirts. It is pretty easy as of right now Its far from perfect as I have some seams that dont match but i hope it works out.

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