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Monday, August 29, 2011

New Dishwasher!!!!

I told you about making jelly 2 saturdays ago with FH's family.... what I didnt mention was FH sneaking away from making jelly to install me a dishwasher.... Yes I am officailly that old that I get excited about a dishwasher.... BUT I DONT CARE I LOVE IT!!!!!!

I called FH a few times while making jelly to see what he was up to and I couldnt get a straight answer from him.....

And this is what I came home to 2 drawers and 2 cabnets removed I WAS SO EXCITED!

FH's brother and sister inlaw were nice enough to give us this one yay!... but it turned out that we had let it sit out in the garage too long and the seals and pump were no good and it leaked all over boo:(

Soooo we got this one!!! brand new I am retty excited about this one... cause it matches the rest of the kitchen...FH and I were watching over it obsessed with it the first few days he he

and now to figure out what to do with the space left on the left side of the washer .... I think a shelf of some sort.... would like to find a neat way to store alluminum foil and plastic wrap and such.... was thinking of maybe wooden dowels..? i dunno ....

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